
Wikikardia is a collection of relevant information about payment technologies

Tokenization for card data protection in transit payment systems

Focus on tokenisation in transit environment. Indeed, the transformation of the card data in Card Number Alias or token enables to connect a card...

The challenges of embedded software project management

The development of embedded software is a crucial step in the overall payment terminal manufacturing process. Payment devices can only be deployed...

CPACE – new standard for contactless payments in Europe

The new CPACE standard was created by the ECPC to facilitate contactless payments in Europe. The CPACE ( Common Payment Application Contactless...

How to optimize payment terminal life cycle ?

There are many stages in a payment terminal life cycle, and payment solution providers must define their strategy at the earliest stage. Make the...

Kardia payment at the core of EMV technology

EMV technology is the international standard for secure payment systems and is present in most payment terminals where consumers use their chip & PIN...

How automation testing enhances payment software quality

Automation test versus manual testing campaign : the big deal ! Automation testing uses automation tool to execute tests cases. Few manual involvement...

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