Visa facilitates the adoption of Tap to Phone in transit payment systems

SoftPOS technology enables the acceptance of contactless payments on NFC smartphones or tablets. It offers flexibility, convenience and security that agents in transit networks need to take contactless payments on the go and perform fare inspection.
Visa has updated their tap to phone specification to reflect this new use case and simplify the deployment of SoftPOS solutions in the transit payment system.

Follow EMV® contactless books to build secure terminals

To deploy at a global scale, payment terminal providers must develop their products in compliance with the international payment standard EMV. EMV technology ensures interoperability and secure payment transactions, contact or contactless. EMV contactless specifications are structured into different books, describing the requirements and functionalities that POS systems must comply with to be approved.

How to reduce PCI MPoC evaluation scope ?

PCI MPoC certification is a challenge for SoftPOS providers, but they can optimize the scope of the evaluation.
The current challenge for all players involved in the tap to phone technology is to evaluate the best strategy to easily and rapidly comply with the new specification from the PCI Security Standard and fast track their product deployment.

MPoC certification tips

How to certify your SoftPOS solution with MPoC ?
The new security standard enables SoftPOS providers to certify that their solutions for contactless payment on COTS meet the security requirements, ensuring the accurate protection of cardholder data in a tap on phone / tap to phone / tap on mobile environment. The crucial challenge for SoftPOS solution providers is to ensure that their products integrate the highest level of protection of sensitive data and comply with the new PCI MPoC standard.

What is eftpos ?

Not to be mistaken with EFTPOS (Electronic Fund Transfer at Point of Sales), eftpos is the Australian electronic payment system, created 40 years ago to provide australian citizens with an electronic mean of payment for in-store purchase of goods and services, and more.