Payment industry updates

Stay sync with the most up-to-date enhancements in payment industry and evolutions of the major card brands and security standards

New bulletin for JCB contactless specifications

Last December 2022, the Japanese payment scheme JCB issued a terminal specification bulletin announcing a modification applying on both specifications...

Expresspay 4.1

Alcineo contactless payment suite includes the latest version of American Express specification for contactless terminals : Expresspay 4.1. Do not...

Level 2 contactless kernel implementation :  MCL integrating EMV bulletin 261

The MCL kernel developed by Alcineo now integrates the EMV bulletin 261 optional implementations rules. Although the bulletin is effective since...

Interac flash v1.9 available

The canadian payment scheme Interac Corp has recently released an update to their contactless payment specification Interac flash, v1.9, that POS...

DPAS Connect features

DPAS connect is the new specification from Discover Network designed to cover contact, contactless and mobile wallet transactions. It comes with a...

EMV® Contact Terminal Approval update

EMVCo® has released udapted documents for EMV Level 2 Contact Specification 4.3. As of January 1st 2022, the latest version 4.3k is applicable...

Visa update VCPS 2.2c

It has become a tradition, most payment schemes edit specifications updates that become mandatory as of the 1st of January...

What’s new with DPAS Connect 2.0 ?

DPAS Connect brings new capabilities, beyond payment, growing the scope of services to events, transports, loyalty and more. It allows merchants to...

MCL 3.1.4 now available

MCL 3.1.4 now available Mastercard MCL 3.1.4 specifications are now available Mastercard has announced the availability of MCL 3.1.4 specifications...

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